Pump it up and upgrade your farming operation with umbilical systems, manure separation, and configurable biogas plants! A huge variety of
new machines, tools, and buildings extend the infrastructure of manure distribution and resource storage on your farm.
Overall, more than 30 items from Dutch manufacturer Schouten, German steel storage specialist Stallkamp and biogas technology manufacturer
BvL are included to introduce new gameplay features to Farming Simulator 22.
Utilize umbilical hoses that can be seamlessly combined to cover extensive distances, connected to ultra-light drag hose injectors mounted
on your tractor, ensuring highly efficient field fertilization.
Separate liquid and solid components of manure for a more versatile application of your resources. Make more of your manure!
Tailor biogas plants to your specific needs and preferences by dynamically linking various modules to the core facility.
A new experience
With Pumps n' Hoses, we're adding never-before-seen features to Farming Simulator 22! The large amount of content in this DLC ensures a great variety of gameplay, which revolves around the topics of umbilical hoses for spreading manure and the construction of your own biogas plant. Strong brands are on board for all these tasks, the players will face!
Hoses and physics
Bringing completely new features to a game is always an exciting task! The Pumps N' Hoses Pack introduces umbilical hoses, which are physically correctly pulled across the field! With these hoses, slurry is delivered from a container placed at the edge of the field to an injector the player is pulling with his tractor. Hoses also have a mechanic that can cause them to clog with constant use and therefore need to be cleaned!
Even more features
Not only umbilical hoses bring new game mechanics to Farming Simulator 22, but also the ability to configure and place an entire biogas plant. Thanks to a system that connects the buildings with each other, players can configure and expand a biogas plant to the size of their choice. Separators, which can be used to expand the biogas plant, add another function to the game that expands the possibilities to manage liquid manure and digestate.
What's included?
H 240
Umbilical hose reels can carry and deploy hoses to be used with the umbilical system
Slurry Tanks
DH 240
Umbilical hose reels can carry and deploy hoses to be used with the umbilical system
Slurry Tanks
FTH 230
Umbilical hose reels can carry and deploy hoses to be used with the umbilical system
Slurry Tanks
AC 115
You need a compressor to clean umbilical hoses.
Slurry Tanks
PU 100
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
PU 300
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
JC 450
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
PW 121
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
PW 121
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
PW 121
Pumps can be used to pump liquid manure and digestate for umbilical application
Slurry Tanks
SP 8040
With an injector you can apply manure into your soil
Slurry Tanks
SPC 1230
With an injector you can apply manure into your soil
Slurry Tanks
SP 12260
With an injector you can apply manure into your soil
Slurry Tanks
BS 900
With an injector you can apply manure into your soil
Slurry Tanks
HS 5100
Attach the Tool Carrier to the tractor first to be able to attach tools used with the umbilical system
Slurry Tanks
A waterpump can be used to fill up water
Stationary separator
A separator separates the solid fraction of liquid manure that can be sold or used as bedding or fertilizer
With an umbilical hose wrench you can connect hoses together
Hoses can be loaded onto hose reels and attach the injector with the pump
Slurry tank 13m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 13m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 17m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 17m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 19m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 19m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 25m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 25m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 25m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 25m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 32m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Slurry tank 32m
These tanks are used to store liquid manure. They can also be used to store digestate when building a Pumps n´ Hoses biogas plant
Fermenter 20m
The fermenter is the first building you need when building your biogas plant. Inside various materials ferment into methane and digestate
Production - Factories
Fermenter 26m
The fermenter is the first building you need when building your biogas plant. Inside various materials ferment into methane and digestate
Production - Factories
Fermenter 30m
The fermenter is the first building you need when building your biogas plant. Inside various materials ferment into methane and digestate
Production - Factories
DOB 115
Solids dosage equipments are used to feed various materials into the fermenter of a biogas plant
Production - Factories
V-BIO 30
Solids dosage equipments are used to feed various materials into the fermenter of a biogas plant
Production - Factories
V-BIO 60
Solids dosage equipments are used to feed various materials into the fermenter of a biogas plant
Production - Factories
V-BIO Combi-1S 1D
Solids dosage equipments are used to feed various materials into the fermenter of a biogas plant
Production - Factories
V-BIO Combi-2S 2D
Solids dosage equipments are used to feed various materials into the fermenter of a biogas plant
Production - Factories
agenitor 408
Cogeneration plants generate electric power and heat from methane out of a fermenter
Production - Factories
avus 500 Plus
Cogeneration plants generate electric power and heat from methane out of a fermenter. The concrete housing reduces noise emissions
Production - Factories
avus 800 B
Cogeneration plants generate electric power and heat from methane out of a fermenter
Production - Factories
Gas Torch
The gas torch burns excess methane produced by a fermenter
Production - Factories
Concrete Pig EU
Concrete Pig US
Stationary separator
A separator separates the solid fraction of liquid manure that can be sold or used as bedding or fertilizer
Production - Factories
Stationary separator
A separator separates the solid fraction of liquid manure that can be sold or used as bedding or fertilizer
Production - Factories
Stationary separator
A separator separates the solid fraction of liquid manure that can be sold or used as bedding or fertilizer
Production - Factories
Weigh station
You can weigh your vehicles at this weigh station
Buildings - Tools